Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sandal Savvy: DIY Tips for Happy Feet

 How often do you think about your feet? You might indulge in semimonthly pedicures, pondering the perfect polish before choosing. You may spend lots of money on and take hours to decide what kind of footwear to buy, whether you’re the ergonomic Dansko type or a sucker for precariously tall Louboutins.
But are you really giving your feet all the love they deserve for all that they endure? Feet move us through life. Whether you’re walking a mile to work or just to the garage to jump in the car, whether you’re hiking or strolling, your feet should be spoiled and fussed over. They shouldn’t be forgotten and left unattended inside shoes, no matter how fabulous those shoes happen to be.
During the dead of winter, when your feet are snug and covered in socks and boots, you don’t give them too much thought. But spring’s here, so here we’re offering some DIY tips to get your feet sandal-ready.