Can you believe the weather we are experiencing here in Brisbane? Spring just hasn't had a chance to shine through at all. I'm preparing myself for another wet and windy weekend at home. Maybe I'll venture out to get some flowers in the morning but I think that's about as far as I want to go this weekend. After a crazy and pretty stressful week getting all of our pre-Christmas orders in place and secured with our suppliers and manufacturers, I'm looking forward to just pottering.
This afternoon I spotted this gorgeous old Kate Spade ad in my files which I thought would be perfect to post today {with this weather}. Oh and talking of Kate Spade, I loved seeing the images Katie Armour posted this week of the Kate Spade pop-up store opening in London soon. They really know how to do it those people at Kate Spade. Very groovy!

images 2,3,4 - kate spade via the neo-traditionalist