Sunday, May 31, 2009

Home Work

Over the last couple of weeks I have been doing a few little finishing touches at home. Last week I collected together some paintings I have and had them hung in a cluster on a wall in our kitchen. There are a couple of drawings Harry has done for me, a painting which I picked up down in Bangalow last weekend and a few other special things I have collected over the years. The trick with cluster walls is laying the paintings down on the floor in a layout you like first and then hanging them. I always have a professional picture hanger hang them for me, after I have laid out the design, as my husband is {unfortunately} hopeless with a hammer.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sunday Lunch

I love the idea of a Sunday lunch like this with family and friends around a beautiful old table with lots of flowers, wine and great food. Now that Winter is almost here I think I need to plan a lunch like this out on the grass in our garden under our big old tree around our old French dining table.

Friday, May 29, 2009

A Bed for Ned

Ideally it would have been great to have had a bed built for Ned just like this one above when we were renovating last year however, we weren't considering a new puppy at that time. So, after all my thoughts of where or what Ned will sleep in it seems he has opted for the easiest option of all. He loves to sleep on a towel, albeit an Ralph Lauren towel, on the floor right next to my side of our bed....yes I know I am a softie letting him sleep inside but that's just the way I am. I couldn't sleep knowing he was outside all on his own. He has found his resting spot and I'm thrilled.

Image 1 - via Brabourne Farm Blog

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Friday Flowers & Ned

It's been kind of a crazy week in our household. Yesterday I went to the airport to pick up our new little family member, Ned an 8 week old Golden Retriever puppy. He is divine. I thought I would take a photo of him with my Friday Flowers. He really didn't want to sit on the chair, hence the not-so-great photo. I hope you have a great weekend wherever you are, whatever you do. See you next week!

More Pretty Vintage Style

Another great example of pretty vintage style above. So many lovely things in this photo. I adore the red and white stripe armchair with the floral cushions and the white cane table displaying lots of gorgeous things is divine.

Image - Country Homes & Interiors via Brambourne Farm

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pretty Vintage Style

I love this pretty vintage style room. It's amazing how inexpensive it is creating a room using vintage pieces. My friend Simone recently started a great blog called Beach Vintage where she shares her passion for vintage finds and how to create a great vintage look on a budget. I can't believe some of the gorgeous things she has collected and created and she always does it so inexpensively!!

Image 1 & 2 via House of Bliss

Monday, May 25, 2009

Today I Love...

Today I love this gorgeous clipping of a Tiffany & Co. advertisement which Emily posted last week. Some lovely reminders don't you think?! Click on image to supersize.

Painting Treasured Things

My mum's friend who has been painting some paintings for me at Black & Spiro has a very talented son. He is actually studying to be an Architect but thought he would pick up a brush and paint one of my vignettes. I love it so much I can't bear to sell it. Isn't he talented?! He obviously takes after his mother!! The crystal vase is one which my grandmother gave me and the colourful box is one I picked up a few years ago which continues to be one of my most favourite things. If anyone would like a painting done of their treasured things just let me know as Tom or Diana could certainly create something wonderful for you...

From The Files

I have had this house on file for quite sometime. I re-discovered it the other day when I was hunting for something to show a client in one of my many magazine tear out files. It belongs to Danish jewellery designer Marlene Juhl-Jorgensen. I adore her collections which she has featured against an all-white background. In my opinion this house seems so glamorous yet so simple and family friendly at the same time.

All images via - Interiors Magazine

Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday Flowers

I'm not usually a huge fan of Carnations however, I do like this simple little posy I created this afternoon using some fresh white Carnations and a little Antique Cloisonne jar I picked up at the Antique Fair last night. I couldn't decide which spot to put them in so I took a photo of both little spots. The colours of the little jar look so pretty with my vintage bird however, I ended up popping the little arrangement on my bedside table on a stack of books in front of a little drawing of Harry's I recently had framed. See you next week!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Brisbane Antique Fair

I thought I would remind Brisbane readers about the Brisbane Antique Fair which is being held this weekend at the RNA Show Grounds. I am heading off to the opening tonight which should be fun. I always love seeing what treasures are at the fair as most of the dealers have been saving up their special pieces for months to put on show.

Lady Portrait

If I wasn't trying to be good I would snatch up this gorgeous vintage girl from Lynn at Paris Hotel Boutique. So, if any of you decide to snatch her up make sure you let me know as I would love to see where she ends up!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

My Fabric Obsession

Anyone who knows me well knows I am obsessed with beautiful fabrics. For me, fabric is the starting point of any room design. I am continually falling in love with new fabrics I find. Whenever I find something I truly love I buy at least one meter to keep on file so that when I show clients I have a large piece to show them how beautiful the fabric really is. The small pieces in the sample books just don't do the fabrics justice. I thought I would show you a few fabrics I am currently absolutely in love with.

Pretty Yellow Roses

Nothing like some fresh bright yellow roses to start the week!! I just picked them up at the supermarket on the way home. Gosh they make me happy!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pia's New Book

I have been meaning to congratulate Pia Jane Bijkerk on her new book, Paris: Made by Hand. I enjoyed seeing a little sneak peek of it over at Desire to Inspire last week. I must say I absolutely adore the cover!! Congrats Pia. I can't wait to get a copy!!

Please click HERE for more details on Pia's new book...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Friday Fossicking

A great pair of tole lights but they do need a fair bit of work!!

There is a pair of these French Gilt armchairs which I found for some clients. We are going to cover them in a pale blue and white narrow stripe fabric for their lounge room.

I love gate leg tables and this little oval one is so sweet! I don't have a job to put this one into but I do love it!!

I love this mirror which I purchased. I am going to get it painted and I plan to use it in a powder room.

I thought this screen was amazing. I don't have anywhere to use this piece either but it's a cracker!!

I've been out fossicking around today for Antique/vintage pieces for clients. I've had a wonderful time!! Unfortunately I don't have any Friday Flowers to share with you today as I didn't get to my flower lady before she closed. Instead I'll leave you with a few finds from today's hunt. Oh and I'm glad to report that I am over my travel bug {for now anyway}!! Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to posting lots of wonderful things next week!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dreaming of Faraway Places

I woke up this morning and for some strange reason I had Paris on my mind. I then started to think of Positano in Italy and then I went on to think of Lake Como and Venice and my final thoughts, before I dragged myself out of bed, were of the Notting Hill markets in London.

After dropping Harry at school, I came to work and I heard the girls talking about Paris and my mind started to drift again. Then I was flipping through my photo file on my laptop and spotted a few images of some more special places. I don't know what's wrong with me. I wasn't thinking about these places yesterday. I must have caught some sort of travel bug overnight.

Gosh I hope I am better tomorrow as I don't think I could stand another day dreaming about these beautiful places without transferring a few frequent flyer points and hastily booking some flights...mmm an early night might just be what the doctor has ordered for me to rid myself of these dreadful thoughts!!

Image 1 - Corrie Bond Photographer, Image 2 - Corrie Bond Photographer, Image 3 - Source unknown, Image 4 -

Dreamy Bedroom

I think this bedroom is lovely. My favourite things are the blue and white stripe frilled cushions on the bed and the rug and the Antique bed end stool and the chandelier...well that's just about everything! I would be very happy sleeping in a simple, understated peaceful room like this.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Today I Love...

These very pretty images by Lobster & Swan.

Annechovie Print Sale

If you are trying to create an artwork cluster wall or just trying to find some lovely prints then you must know about Anne Harwell's amazing sale. Anne is currently offering 2 prints for the price of 1 at her Etsy store. I think this is an offer too good to pass by. Offer is only available until this Saturday 16th May.

Image - Annechovie

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kitchen Furniture

In a kitchen I am very fond of using old pieces of furniture instead of cabinetry, where I can. I find it gives a kitchen a more lived-in, individual look.

In my own kitchen at home I have used a chest of drawers which houses my napery collection and also an old French Armoire which we use as our pantry.

When I stumbled across this image {top} I instantly fell in love with the old table which they used in the centre of the kitchen. I love the look of the aged marble with its dints and scratches and chips.

Talking of dints and scratches and chips...I often have clients who are worried about marble getting damaged. I always say to them that in actual fact, marble looks better with age!

Image 1 - Source unknown
Image 2 - Anna Spiro

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Friday Flowers

Have a lovely weekend and Happy Mother's Day for Sunday!!

Image - Anna Spiro - Friday Flowers Series

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Megan Park Cushions

I am very excited about the arrival of our new Megan Park cushions at Black & Spiro. They are so colourful and the embroidery detailing is lovely. We are stocking quite a few of the different designs. I think they look wonderful mixed in with our beautiful custom made cushions.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Thank You Apartment Therapy

Thank you Jenny Butler from Apartment Therapy for featuring my home in the AT House Tour series. I am so honored to have been asked.

Image - Anna Spiro

Monday, May 4, 2009

Chic Vintage Style

These beautiful red and yellow vintage photos have me inspired this week. Look at the upholstery on those car seats.....Tres Chic!

Image 1 & 2 - Milliemott's Photostream @ Flickr