Thursday, June 30, 2011

Contemplating Green

Whilst browsing through the images I have saved on my laptop today I pulled these three out as they caught my eye.  I seem to be drawn to green lately.  I don't know why as I have always been surrounded by so much blue thanks to my mother.  There seems to be something so grounded about green.  I mean, I wouldn't ever paint the outside of my house green but I have to say that I love the look of that beautiful old house in the top image with the fresh white trim.  I think I could accept green as an accent in my life. 

Look at Tory {middle image} sitting there ever-so-stylishly with that beautiful green side table mixed with the blue and white garden stools.  My mother is not a fan of green but look at all of that green in her lounge room {last image}...??  What's with that Mum?

Mixed with lots of white and blue and pink or blue and red and yellow, I think green could be a great colour to get to know a bit more...

image 1 - via frolic, image 2 - via peak of chic, image 3 - anna spiro

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cute Max Side Table

I've posted about our custom made Max coffee table before but today we took delivery of this little Max side table which I had made for placement between 2 single beds in a client's guest bedroom.  I couldn't resist sharing this little beauty with you all. 

Guess this one is a man or a woman?

Guess this one is a man or a woman

Monday, June 27, 2011

Make men mad weirdness woman

This crazy man exactly in pay attention to?

Craziest street fashion dress

His hand doing? Shocked!

Share together funny pictures! LOLLL!

Female dancer stunt

Asian incredible behavior art, Lollll!

Girl in the park most bizarre behavior

The couple funny of accident moments

The couple funny of accident moments

Asian supermodel contact with the snake

Women the most confusing dress

Lady Gaga attend charity performance in Japan

Sunday, June 26, 2011

First Bulbs Flowering

I have been having many conversations with my grandmother of late about our bulbs {flowers}.  You see she is a very keen gardener and loves planting lots of bulbs in her garden each year.  However, this year her bulbs {and mine too} have been very slow to sprout.  She has been ringing me every week asking me if mine have broken the soil yet.  You could say that we have been comparing notes. 

As this is my first season planting bulbs I admit I am completely not-in-the-know so each morning I head out to our garden to check on their progress.  I think the boys must think I am going slightly mad.

To my complete excitement, joy and surprise when I went out to the garden on Saturday morning there she very first flowering bulb for 2011!!  I spent the entire day weighing up whether or not I should cut her to put into a vase.  By Sunday afternoon I decided to cut her and a few other flowers out of our garden including a sprig of our flowering yellow snapdragons.  I arranged them in a new jug which I purchased online HERE.

This gardening thing really is very exciting.  I can't wait for the next bulb to flower not to mention the sweet peas and hollyhocks!!


PS.  The lovely nickel lanterns are a new purchase from HERE...